Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston,Madison Kelly,Rumors About Jackie Christy and LGBT community

Today is the day we say goodbye to first a daughter,sister,mother,niece,cousin and last a superstar.I have been very quite about her death as all the rumors swirled about her fighting before her death,her family shutting Bobby brown out from the funeral,her supposed drunken behavior prior to the finding of her lifeless body in her hotel room....
Well to me as a fan she was an amazing powerhouse who i idolized as a singer and actress.i remember in 1985 when her first album came out and i was in the basement with my uncle trying to recreate her album cover while i performed greatest looooove of alllll!!!! I did watch her decline but i never forgot how amazing she was and always prayed for her return to the industry.
One thing that we as fans dont understand is that she was a human being... No matter how amazing she was in front of the cameras or in the studio she battled the same things that most people deal with every day... Marital problems,family drama,substance issues and more. Not to mention having her privacy invaded constantly.
Today I just want to say Rest in Paradise Whitney........Now you can have peace.

Sending our condolensces to Madison Shannon Kelly and her fiance Damon "day day" Harris. Informed last night that she miscarried her twins.. We send love and hugs her way and wish a speedy recovery..

Jackie Christy coming to the ATL And co hosting an event with a LGBT pioneer Davone Madison Jackson.
Madison Kelly presents socialite tuesdays at Pearl Bistro..
That isnt what this post is about however,I received a text from a well known Lesbian and LGBT activist who informed me that as she posted the promotion for this event people where texting her stating Jackie Christy doesnt like gay people... Well as part of her management team and a person who speaks to her regularly this cant be far from the truth. I am not sure where this rumor started but she told me herself she has friends and family that are gay or lesbian...Why would she have an issue?? It makes no sense. if you look at her press release on her site she is famous for remarrying her husband of almost 20 yrs every year. In 2008 she was planning her next wedding with having 100 gay and lesbian couples join them along with donating 100,000 to charity... Not sure if that sounds like someone that hates gays and lesbians... scroll down to july 2008 post to see the actual article posted on her own website.
You guys please give me a break with assumptions, and rumors.... Wars are started with less..

Love you guys.
If you would like to meet Jackie Christy in person she will be here February 28th @pearl bistro...

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